About Me

Hi... I'm Renee

As someone who has dealt with unwanted hair growth since my late teens... 

I have tried it all!

Here's my story...

Like many people, my hormones caused a ton of hair growth, especially on my upper lip, chin, and eventually my neck. I first attempted to conceal it with bleaches, next was depilatories (like "Nair"), waxing came after that, then I bought the dreaded "Epi-lady" torture device (if you know, you know!), and finally, I thought my dreams had come true with the advent of Laser Hair Removal in my late 20's! Unfortunately, I did not have very good results with this type of treatment and later learned that it is only approved by the FDA as permanent "hair reduction" that works for some hair colors and some skin colors... it was not the permanent solution I was hoping for. 

At that point, I had given up on all methods except my trusty tweezers. I tweezed and tweezed and my growth became stronger and thicker. I just couldn't keep up with it. Whenever I had a free moment, I was plucking. A few years later a friend of mine, who has a hormonal imbalance called "Polycystic Ovary Syndrome" (also known as PCOS), introduced me to the world of electrolysis and it became my mission to become a Licensed Electrologist. I spent the first part of my career working near Ann Arbor, Michigan. I have since worked on many women with PCOS and others who have hair in places they don't want it: non-binary people who desire a new look; folks who can't physically keep up with temporary removal of hair; those preparing for surgeries/skin grafts; people who have fair/gray hair or dark skin tones; and others who have thick or curly hair textures. Thankfully, electrolysis works on everyone and in every area!

Because electrology is an allied-health field, I often provide treatments that are recommended or planned by Doctors and other professionals. I work in conjunction with these professionals to prepare our mutual clients for procedures or surgeries that require permanently hair-free areas for skin grafts and other life-changing operations. Insurance companies often cover electrolysis under these circumstances.

I absolutely love what I do. Restoring confidence and helping others put their best selves forward so they can be who they want to be is the best part!

Give me a call and let's talk about what I can do for you. Although my practice is located in the downriver area of Southeastern Michigan, people often travel from all over the state, Northern Ohio, and Ontario, Canada for treatments.